American Freedom Radio

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Civil disobedience should be encouraged

Civil disobedience is the active, professed refusal to obey certain laws, demands, and commands of a government, or of an occupying international power. Civil disobedience is commonly, though not always, defined as being non-violent resistance.

such examples might be:
ignoring the on ramp green red green..Just fuck the signals and go.
run a stop sign when there is no traffic. Run a red light when there is no traffic.
Use common sense.
Don't go the posted speed limit.Go as the traffic goes and obey the basic rule of driving.
Don't get EVERY licence the so called Government Say's you need......Fuck them you don't need there permission to live your life and go about you business...aka life, liberty and the per suit of happiness.
So if you need a fishing licence fuck them .. just go fish ..and ask the judge if the state relay owns the fish or wildlife..

Smoking with in 10'- 20 fee of a doorway.
Light that dam thing up with in 10'1/4" of the doorway and blow all the smoke towards the doorway.

for all you hunters ..poach all you can. Just use all of the animal to feed you family or your self.

Car insurance is a corporate scam..Your trying to restrict my freedom of travel...FU..then you pay for it.

Take a your fiat fake monopoly money out of the banks and wall street.
and buy up real assets...tangible things like long storeable food, medicine ,Gold,Silver,bullets,beans and rice...any type of commodity.

see were this is going???? there are MANY non-violent ways to stand up and topple the house of cards.

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