American Freedom Radio

Thursday, April 22, 2010

What the f%$K is up with all this fake show boating politcal dramma "Reform"everything crap?

We don't need to "Reform everything".

If some thing needs to be REFORMED it's the RE- Affirmation of the 9th and 10th amendment...

State sovereignty.

#1:States reinforce the 9th and 10th amendment of the bill of rights.

#2:States appoint there senators again.

#3: Get rid of the privet Central bank ,Known as the federal reserve bank.Not federal and has no reserve.They print money out of thin air and charge interest with there MONOPOLY Fiat money.

#4: Get the dam maritime Fucking pirates(International) law out of our courts and return to common law.

#5: Get rid of the collection agency of the Privet Central bank known as the IRS.

#6 :38 states vote to abolish the federal government and start over as a constitutional REPUBLIC.

#7:Term limits with campaign limits .Meaning send/elect non-party,,, the average American who might be your neighbor to office and not the multi-millionaire business corporate scum payed off politician.
abolish the college electorate along with the party system.Get rid of the rigged corrupt computer voting system.

#8:Get out of the UN,NAFTA and GATT.and keep our nose out of foreign affairs,bring our troops home for good.Sell most all our dam military bases ALL over the world and give the money back to the riped off tax payer .WOW how stimulating would that be?

You cant shoot an Idea.

This sounds good but your to stupid to do anything.

The newest cell phone,tv show and what's new at the mall is more important.

I give up your stupid .were not just screwed.we've been f%$ked by the international bankers.Raped,pillaged and plundered.

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