American Freedom Radio

Friday, April 15, 2011


Our country is fallen. it's in shambles.
We cant spend or borrow our way out of debt. We cant drink our selves sober.
We have turned our back on our GOD.
we have murdered 50 million unborn children.
we have murdered millions Innocent people in country's our people have nothing against.
Our elected officials are bought, payed for and beyond corrupt.
we don't have a voice and are fleeced by taxes in the open and hidden.
we have lost ALL are so called freedoms and democracy is an illusion: mob rule.
anything we do in our personal life we need permission from a rouge government.
Undeclared wars for oil,opium trade,child trade slaves/porn and hidden knowledge

If your reading this from outside of the U.S.A.
We the people are human beings. we want what you be free and left alone to live life.
We want to eat good food, breath good air and drink good water.

we want the best for our families, our loved ones and our children,and there children.

We don't want war and war's.
Our corporations ( the military industrial complex ) are greedy and sell us out.
as with wall street.

we have been raped and whored out in the name of democracy.

what our government is doing is not the will of the people.

Do not buy into (the federal resurve notes) It's a privet bank NOT federal and there is no resurve. and does NOT reperesent the people of the united states ***debt(t-bills)*** or in our stock market ..It's a fraud.The biggest ponzie scam the world has EVER seen.

buy physical silver real money,and any commodity you can get your hands on.

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